The mortgage lender’s property insurance does not leave you in good hands. No matter how much time it saves you. Your lender is not a good neighbor when it comes to insurance. When your home insurance lapses Somehow my client let her homeowners insurance lapse. She wasn’t worried about it, she told me, because the […]
Mortgage Matters
Strictly California

7 Principles of California Community Property
Baffled by California community property? Think it makes you personally liable for the debts of your spouse? Lots of people do. But it doesn't. California has been a community property state since it became a state in 1850. You would think we'd have … Read Full Article

What Happens To Cash In Bankruptcy?
How much cash can you keep when you file bankruptcy? It's not as though you won't have living expenses after you file bankruptcy. You need to know how you'll manage and what you'll have to manage with. Funding that fresh start is what exemptions are … Read Full Article

California Homestead Exemption: The Truth Isn’t What You Think
"They can't take my house, whatever happens. Right?" The young man in my office "knew" how the California homestead works: he insisted that his home was exempt as a California homestead, even if he filed bankruptcy. He "knew" that credit card debt … Read Full Article