When I tell a client to stop paying credit cards, they look at me as though I’d suggested they jump into shark-infested waters. “But they’ll start calling me”, they wail. “I’ll be sent to collection“. In their mind, “collection” is a real place, with manacles dangling, barred windows, and water dripping down moldy dungeon walls. Turns out […]
Bouncing Back From Bankruptcy
How long does it take to recover from bankruptcy? I started to answer the client’s question before I realized that the question was all backward. Recover FROM bankruptcy? No…. It should be: recover THROUGH bankruptcy! Bankruptcy is the tool for recovering from impossible financial situations. The ailment is debt: bills in excess of what you […]
What Happens To Your Business in Bankruptcy
Before you file bankruptcy, you need to know what happens to your business in your bankruptcy. And like so many things, there’s no single, simple answer. Two factors drive the fate of the business. One is whether the business is itself a legal entity, like a corporation or LLC. The second is what chapter you […]
Do You Qualify for Chapter 13: The Debt Limits
Chapter 13 debt limits are one of the eligibility requirements to file for this form of bankruptcy reorganization. The test has two prongs: unsecured debt and secured debt. Come in under each prong and you meet the debt limits test. For cases filed on April 1, 2025 and afterwards, the Chapter 13 debt limits are: […]
Bankruptcy Alphabet: F is for First
In my Bankruptcy Alphabet, F is for First meeting of creditors. Lots of rumors exist about the that meeting; it produces unwarranted anxiety that is avoidable if you understand what’s up. Let’s check it out. The first meeting of creditors is often the only time a debtor has to appear in public in connection with […]
Why File Bankruptcy? It’s Your Life Expectancy
Increasing life spans and the demise of pension plans is why filing bankruptcy now makes sense. Old debt has a way of sucking the air out of today’s budget. You can’t make repairs to your car or see to needed health care or accumulate an emergency cushion because you’re still paying for stuff you bought […]
What You Think About Chapter 13 Is Dead Wrong
The difference between bankruptcy’s Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 is often expressed this way: Chapter 7 is a liquidation proceeding Chapter 13 is a repayment plan And therein lies the biggest misconception about Chapter 13: 13 does not necessarily repay everything you owe. It’s a repayment plan alright, but not necessarily a 100% repayment . […]
7 Principles of California Community Property
Baffled by California community property? Think it makes you personally liable for the debts of your spouse? Lots of people do. But it doesn’t. California has been a community property state since it became a state in 1850. You would think we’d have gotten the hang of it long ago. But the community property system […]
Debt Settlement Is A Dud
Debt settlement is often dangled in front of the financially challenged as an alternative to bankruptcy. Sounds good: making a deal with your creditors has enormous appeal when you can’t pay everything that you owe. And debt settlement companies count on it. The pitch for “settling your debts” touches a nerve. Almost everyone WANTS to […]
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