Decisions, decisions. Are you going to reaffirm the car loan? Your bankruptcy filing requires that you state your intentions about reaffirmation right up front. Translated, that means what are you going to do about the car after bankruptcy. The car on which you still owe money and need to get to work. In the midst […]
What Is Really Scary About Debt Collectors
When I tell a client to stop paying credit cards, they look at me as though I’d suggested they jump into shark infested waters. “But they’ll start calling me”, they wail. “I’ll be sent to collection“. In their mind, “collection” is a real place, with manacles dangling, barred windows, and water dripping down moldy dungeon walls. Turns […]
Three Reasons To Divorce Your Bank Before Bankruptcy
Banks do funny things when a customer files bankruptcy. Only many are not so funny. Whether your relationship with your bank has been good or not, there may be grounds for divorce before you file your bankruptcy case. Or at least consider whether there are grounds for a separation. Set off Your bank owes you […]
It’s Who You Owe In Bankruptcy
WHO to list in your bankruptcy case is a question I hear lots. My response: bankruptcy is all about WHO you owe, not so much about HOW MUCH you owe, when you file. WHO, WHO, WHO. Which is why one of the most important tasks in filing bankruptcy is to write down everyone you owe […]
Asset Protection For Free
Before you sign up with the guy in the ad, explore free asset protection, courtesy of Uncle Sam. Everyone would like to enjoy their money without worry about creditors taking it from you. That’s the point of asset protection. A substantial industry run by expensive professionals will scatter your money between interlocking partnerships and off-shore corporations […]
Can A Trust Protect You In Bankruptcy?
Can a living trust protect your assets in bankruptcy? Or, anywhere else? According to the lawyer advertising and the self-help books, everyone needs a living trust. The asset protection industry loves irrevocable trusts, another much touted trust. An irrevocable trust gets assets out of your name for all time. Unless of course, they are attacked in […]
Pay Down Debt Or Save? Which Should Come First
Pay off debt first or start saving now? It’s a debate almost as convoluted as which came first, the chicken or the egg? Experts heatedly take opposite sides. You get rid of debt faster if you put all available cash into paying off balances. BUT You have no reserves for the unexpected if you spend everything that […]
How To Exclude A Debt From Your Bankruptcy Discharge
Some debts you may want to carve out of your bankruptcy discharge. Debts that for one reason or another, you really WANT to pay after your bankruptcy. I get it. There are ways to properly exclude a debt from discharge and ways to screw it up. The first way that folks try is simple, and […]
Debt Collection Breakthrough Protection
The new rule defines attempts to collect a time-barred debt a false or deceptive practice, forbidden to debt collectors. The new prohibition becomes effective November 30, 2021 when amendments to the rules associated with the federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act become law. New rule applies to debt collectors Importantly, the FDCPA applies only to […]
Five Ways To Bankruptcy Proof Your Divorce
No matter how prejudicial or unfair, a Chapter 13 discharge will relieve a former spouse of obligations of all obligations to their ex except for support. It’s too late to protect your hard won rights to non support payments once the bankruptcy is filed. Let’s look at how ex spouses are vulnerable to a bankruptcy discharge. Then […]
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