Foreclosure is traumatic enought without worrying whether lenders can sue you after foreclosure. Breathe deeply. California has laws that limit what a mortgage lender can do to collect its money after the foreclosure. One addresses the rights of the creditor who conducted the foreclosure sale. The other borrower protection looks at what the loan was […]
What You Keep In Chapter 13
Just because debtors can keep their upscale trappings and their toys bought on credit doesn’t mean they should. Still, I share my colleagues excitement over the 9th Circuit’s recent decision in Welsh. The appeals court held that a debtor wasn’t guilty of bad faith in proposing a Chapter 13 plan that kept and paid […]
How One Family Settled Huge Debt For Pennies
Almost everyone wants to settle debt rather than file bankruptcy. But how about settling debt using bankruptcy? Here’s how one family pulled it off. When they started the Chapter 13 trek, they owed $370,000 in personal loans and credit cards. As they completes the plan, they will have settled that debt for three cents on […]
What A Bankruptcy Lawyer Is Thankful For
On Thanksgiving, I’m mindful of how precious the American approach to insolvency is. In the U.S. a bankruptcy discharge provides the proverbial fresh start to move forward with life. Money troubles do not have to cloud a life forever. Bankruptcy is widely available and broadly effective in getting people a fresh financial start. On the individual level, […]
Deal With Your Taxes After Bankruptcy
When you’ve still got taxes after bankruptcy, things can get complicated. That’s because some taxes got discharged in bankruptcy, while others may live on. The taxes that live on get an extension on their life span. And liens after Chapter 7 just keep on chugging. So let’s make sense of taxes after bankruptcy. Which taxes […]
Title Isn’t Everything: Watch Out For The Assets In Your Spouse’s Name
Your spouse’s assets can get swept up in your bankruptcy when you live in California. Because, most likely, just holding an asset in the name of one spouse doesn’t defeat the community property presumption. I saw it play out in a first meeting of creditors when the bankruptcy trustee asked about an asset. But it’s […]
Bankruptcy Alphabet: H is for House
In my bankruptcy alphabet, H is for house. Can I keep my house if I file bankruptcy, anxious homeowners ask. In most cases, my answer is “yes”. Should you keep the house is another question. Houses are vulnerable in bankruptcy only if there is If the trustee can’t sell the property for enough money to […]
SBA Loans Collectible Long Past Business Failure
The SBA has eagle eyes and sharp talons when it comes to collecting from guarantors of business loans. SBA collection rights are ruthless, efficient, and ageless. So I learned when a client consulted me about a business that had failed 12 years ago. Yet the SBA had never sued him, nor had it filed a […]
Damaged Credit Heals
Will filing bankruptcy hurt my credit? Probably. [Keep reading, there’s more.] Should that hit to your credit keep from filing bankruptcy? Not by a long shot. Incredibly, I encounter people drowning in debt who think their credit report is more important than their financial health. Their thinking seems to be that credit, once damaged, is never […]
Two Strikes & You’re Out (Of Your Home)
Three strikes and you’re out. Anyone familiar with baseball knows that one. The rules are different in bankruptcy. Two strikes and you’re out. And for one couple, they’re not only out of bankruptcy, they’re out of their house. Foreclosed the day after they filed bankruptcy number three. Because, what they didn’t know is that there […]
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