When you need to get copies of your bankruptcy papers, there’s a long line of people ready to rip you off. I mean, really rip you off. I’d list the companies prepared to overcharge you, but I don’t want to give them any more visibility than they already have. You may need to get bankruptcy […]
California’s Good Deed: Passing Real Property At Death
The horror stories about do-it-yourself estate planning are both plentiful and tragic. Between the fear of probate and the fear of legal fees, inventive people invent inexpensive strategies for passing property to the next generation. Adding someone to the deed is the most common one I see. It works like this: in order to see […]
Means Test Expense Form 122A-2
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What Is The Bankruptcy Trustee Looking For
What’s the bankruptcy trustee looking for when you submit your bank statements before the 341 meeting? Let me tell you what the trustee isn’t looking for: trustees don’t care if you bought the premium brand of coffee; paid for your kid’s sports team; fixed broken appliances; went on vacation; or bought concert tickets. No part […]
When Bankrupting The Business Doesn’t Protect The Owner
“I want to file bankruptcy for my business, but I don’t need a personal bankruptcy”. I’ve had 2 such calls to my law office in just the last week. And in each case, bankrupting the business corporation will not solve the debt situation. Here’s why. The underlying problem is that the individual owner is personally […]
Is Home Equity A Substitute For Retirement Savings
My home is my retirement plan. If I had a dollar for every time a client said that, I could retire today. But that approach to funding your old age only works if…. Sell your house to retire The value in your house makes your balance sheet strong, but doesn’t put food on the table […]
Why Bankruptcy Means Test Is Paper Tiger In Bay Area
Bankruptcy’s means test is a paper tiger in the San Francisco Bay Area. Really! You can see why few Bay Area residents are constrained by the means test when you compare the latest median income figures used in the means test with the allowed cost of rental housing here. To review: Congress in 2005 tried to write […]
Bankruptcy Schedules Are More Than Just Paperwork
Bankruptcy paperwork can make you feel like you are drowning in paper. There’s your paper; there’s the paper your lawyer needs. And there’s the paper the court insists on. Why bankruptcy schedules worth the work It’s easy to try to skate. To cut corners. To shut down. But that paper is critical. Nearly every question, […]
Can You Get A Car Loan After Bankruptcy?
Wheels are essential for most of us to get to work. And whatever you’re driving when you file bankruptcy will need to be replaced at some point. So, how are you going to finance that next car if you’ve just filed bankruptcy and face 7-10 years with the bankruptcy on your credit report? The credit […]
Bankruptcy Alternatives Cost More, Deliver Less
Everyone wants a solution to their debt problems without bankruptcy. But the truth is, bankruptcy alternatives often suck. The on-line story of one customer of a debt settlement company particularly sticks with me. Using the “services” of this company, the poster now has six new judgments of record and two garnishments in process. The debt […]
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