It’s tax time: don’t overlook tax deductions in Chapter 13 bankruptcy case. Tax deductions lurk in the most unlikely places. If your Chapter 13 plan is catching up home loan arrears, there’s a deduction hiding in the trustee’s disbursement records. Most likely, the lender’s filed proof of claim in the bankruptcy case is full of […]
Planning For Bankruptcy: Keep Your Tax Refund
Getting a tax refund check from the government is usually a great thing. Or at least, if you ignore that the government is returning YOUR money as a tax refund. You’ve struggled without the money for a year while Uncle Sam used it without interest. But if you’ve filed bankruptcy during the tax year, the […]
Bankruptcy Discharge Slays IRS Form 1099
In a duel between a tax Form 1099 and a bankruptcy discharge, bankruptcy wins every time. The prize? no tax on debt discharged in bankruptcy. So, if you’ve already gotten your discharge, the creditor’s 1099, with your social security number on it, is no threat. But you do need to file another form to secure […]
Your Tax Refund Is Exposed In Bankruptcy, Unless…
The prospect of a tax refund makes most of us light up even when we haven’t even calculated what the refund might be. But if you’re thinking of filing bankruptcy before you actually see Uncle Sam’s check, take a minute to plan. Your right to that refund is property of your bankruptcy estate even if […]
Got Tax Trouble? Don’t File Bankruptcy In December
Bankruptcy can provide tax relief, if your timing is right. Tax troubles are at the heart of so many bankruptcy filings. It makes sense: bankruptcy is a powerful and predictable tool to get out of tax debt. But filing bankruptcy before the end of the year may fix only a part of your tax problems. […]
Get real information about what’s happening with your mortgage loan payments
What have they been doing with my payments on mortgage loan? The client has been making a mortgage payment according to the HAMP formula for almost 18 months of her Chapter 13. Yet without a 1098 form, her very capable tax preparer told her she couldn’t deduct mortgage interest on her tax return. Never fear. We have […]
Stop Making Quarterly Tax Payments
Uncle Sam expects a quarterly tax payment from the self employed. Since you don’t get a paycheck with regular tax withholding, the burden’s on you. Lighten the burden. Make this the last quarterly tax payment you pay. Seriously. Don’t make any quarterly payments for this coming year. Think I’m advocating tax resistance? No way. The tax collectors […]
4 Compelling Reasons To File The Tax Return Even If You Can’t Pay
Should you file the tax return if you can’t pay the tax? You got to the bottom of your tax return and the amount you owe is bigger than your checkbook balance. Nope. It doesn’t work that way. The IRS does not start harassing nonpayers for money immediately after a return is filed. Or even […]
Skip Bankruptcy’s Means Test
The couple was despondent when another bankruptcy attorney told them that, despite $100,000 in old taxes, they couldn’t file Chapter 7. This fine fellow told them that the means test showed they had $3000 of disposable income per month. A Chapter 7 would be an abuse of bankruptcy under the law. Only Chapter 13 was […]
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