Google and BankruptcyInBrief share a birthday, I’ve learned.
I’m sure you saw the similarities in a flash.
The Mercury News reports that Google was founded in 1998, the same year I bought a book and set out to make a web site about bankruptcy.
I knew nothing about programming, and less about web design. But I knew that there was a crying need for sound information about bankruptcy, the options and the opportunities. But sound, useful information about bankruptcy wasn’t available on the web when I started writing.
Bankruptcy in Brief grew exponentially, just like the Google empire <g>. Starting with four pages, I kept writing til it was 150 pages.
This site, Bankruptcy Soapbox, is the loudmouthed cousin to Bankruptcy In Brief, where I can be opinionated, topical, and colloquial about what’s happening in the world of bankruptcy, debt, and our economy.
It’s all been fun.
But I sure missed the Stanford class that Larry and Sergei took that resulted in Google.
Image courtesy of Wikimedia and Fir0002.