The right of your bank to take your money when you aren’t looking stops at your credit card. Your bank may be entitled by common law to setoff what it owes you from what you owe it on the garden variety debt. But the federal Fair Credit Billing Act forbids a bank who has issued you a […]
The Foreclosure That Was Longer Than War & Peace
How much time til foreclosure? Foreclosure is coming. Whether by choice or circumstances, you know the bank will take the house. Should you start packing immediately? The way banks are currently operating, the answer is: not yet, not soon, not for a long time. For one of my clients, the answer to how long was well more than […]
10 Best Bankruptcy Soap Box Posts Of 2015
How do I measure which Soapbox posts from 2015 are my favorites? It’s like asking which of my children I like the best. Some posts I like because the topic is important; some because they are useful; and some I just like because they were fun to write. So, here goes my countdown to the 10 posts […]