When you’ve still got taxes after bankruptcy, things can get complicated. That’s because some taxes got discharged in bankruptcy, while others may live on. The taxes that live on get an extension on their life span. And liens after Chapter 7 just keep on chugging. So let’s make sense of taxes after bankruptcy. Which taxes […]
Annual IRA Contribution: Use It Or Lose It
Tax day approaches. With it comes the IRA contribution deadline. You expect to live for decades after you’re eligible for Social Security, don’t you? Then, you have only until April 15th to use the 2021 allowance for contributions to a tax-advantaged IRA. Miss making that 2021 contribution and it’s gone for all time. So, you […]
Skip Filing Your Tax Return And The Tax Lives Forever
It’s tax season and tax myths are everywhere. Know what the most dangerous one is? If you can’t pay the tax on the return, you’ll escape collection action if you keep a low profile by not filing the return. I hear it repeatedly, each year, year after year. And it’s wrong, over and over. Four […]